• TU Dortmund: Intercultural Communication in Stargate SG1
  • TU Dortmund: Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Laboratory-Temperament-Assessment-Battery
  • TU Dortmund: Einflussfaktoren auf Schadenfreude
  • TU Dortmund: English Country House Management:
    This was actually a research project in an English course but it was my favourite project so far and involved a fair bit of historical research as well. What made it my favourite project was the hands on immediate work.
    I compared the country house management of properties owned by the National Trust to those run by private owners in the south of England. Besides literature and historical research I also visited the properties and interviewed owners and employees. None of the houses could exist on its own and hand to be opened to the public in some way to cover the running cost. While the National Trust has a clear preservation ideology and concept of opening houses and grounds, installing cafes and gift shops, the private properties were promoted as venues for grand scale parties or weddings. Both had in common though, that the countryside, the actual land was the most important aspect. Also, the managements did mostly promote strong connections to the past, through history, ghost stories and architecture. These houses, as relicts of a past time, symbolised a part of English commemorative culture and foundations of national Identity.
  • Thompson Rivers University: Depiction of Indigenous people and issues in Canadian News:
    This project arose from my anthropology course “Canadian Native People” and focused on the inquest on the First Nations Student’s deaths in Thunder Bay during 2015/2016. The research assignment was supposed to analyse the way media is presenting (or not presenting) issues and to filter the underlying values that are conveyed.