Current research projects I am working on:


  • The role of Jeanne d’Arc in the 100 years’ war or Jeanne d’Arc and the heretic and early witch trials:
    This research paper originates from one of my oral presentations. The greater context was the entwinement of Normandy, Flanders, France and Britain in the middle ages. The person of Jeanne d’Arc emerges relatively at the end of the 100 Years war and took part in some military strategic gains. However, at the end she was burned for heresy. I am not decided yet which focus the work will have. The two interesting aspects are 1) Jeanne’s role in military and moral success in nation building, and 2) the accordance of her trial with medieval protocol and the understanding of religious and social norms.


  • Freemasonry in the Age of Enlightenment in Britain or Freemasonry in Canada:
    This research paper is part of a course about the Age of Enlightenment, mostly in Germany and Italy. In that context I held an oral presentation about freemasonry. Originally, I intended to focus the research paper on the development of freemasonry in the Age of Enlightenment in Britain. However, being currently in Canada, made me wonder how freemasonry developed in this country, its magnitudes and effects, so that I might shift the focus.